Are you a small organization with a big mission? Are you in a growth phase, with your staff already at capacity? Do you have goals – developing a social media presence, overhauling your website, producing a policy paper, expanding your funding – but are too busy to execute?
I can help.
With nearly two decades in the nonprofit sector, I have filled almost every role – executive director, communications director, lobbyist, grant writer, volunteer organizer, researcher, strategist. I have designed new programs and secured funding for them, helped promote good legislative proposals and block bad ones, cultivated thought leadership through digital communications, and garnered significant earned media. I want to put this experience to work for you.
My Story

As a Baptist preacher’s kid in small-town Georgia, I was surrounded by people who wanted to do good. Through the church, my parents sought to help those confronting tough challenges with insufficient resources. They also fought for individuals’ ability to interpret the scripture for themselves, for the right of women to be ordained, and for a church covenant that welcomed all. In my town – where the KKK still marched and my high school suffered race-related fighting – the lessons held daily import.
I didn’t inherit my parents’ involvement in organized religion, but I did get their sense of calling. For me, this translated into a desire to protect free speech, voting rights, reproductive freedom, and equality. I want to help ensure that every individual has a voice.
After my first job assisting homeless, non-English- speaking men find employment in Seattle, I found a professional home at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – first at the ACLU of Washington, and then as Voting Rights Project Director and later Public Policy Director at the ACLU of Florida. I spent 10 years with the ACLU, punctuated by 1.5 years as head of a technology-oriented voting rights organization. I later transitioned to consulting with the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates and entered the field of child welfare with Common Threads.
I was already working as an independent consultant when my family moved to Colombia. I expected my career in the US charitable sector to wane, but instead more consulting opportunities arose. I now provide services in communications and digital marketing, public policy strategy and research, and development and nonprofit management.
I’m proud of the results I’ve been able to achieve by partnering with others who are inspired to action. If you seek to make justice, equality, and compassion realities in this world, I’d welcome the opportunity to consider how we can work together to maximize your organization’s impact.